Lehigh Valley EGA

BREAKING NEWS!  We now have a second opportunity to stitch with friends. During 2025. we plan to have a monthly daytime sit-and stitch on the third Monday of each month, from 1:00 - 4:00. The next meeting will be on President's Day, February 17.

Sue A. Jones will host at her home in Forks Township. If you plan to attend, please reach out to Sue via text, call or email (484-542-0920, jonessue1224@yahoo.com) to let her know and to confirm the address.


Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America 

We are a group of people who share a common interest in the needle arts.  Our members enjoy a diverse range of needlework including many forms of counted thread embroidery (e.g. cross stitch, Hardanger, blackwork, etc.), both painted and counted canvaswork (needlepoint), beading, crewel, quilting, and much more. If it can be done with a needle and thread we do it!  We have monthly meetings, correspondence courses, and workshops with nationally known teachers.  Our membership includes stitchers of all levels of experience. 

The Lehigh Valley Chapter (LVEGA) is part of the Mid-Atlantic Region (MAR) of the Embroiderer’s Guild of America (EGA). The mission of the Embroiderers' Guild of America is to inspire passion for the needle arts through education and the celebration of its heritage.

Whether you are a beginner or have been stitching for a lifetime, come stitch with us and learn something new!