
Deb Moffett-Hall Bead Class

The class will be held in person on 

Friday, June 6, 2025, and Saturday, June 7, 2025

Class size is limited to 20 students. Registration will be open to LVEGA members beginning January 15, 2025. Registration will be open to Out of Chapter EGA members beginning February 15, 2025, (if class maximum has not been attained). Please note: Any Out of Chapter EGA registrations sent prior to February 15, 2025, will be held until that time.

Deb is offering 2 classes taught over the two days. Kit fees include pattern, beads, and fireline to complete the projects. Please note that the buttons below take you to a description of the patterns only on Deb’s website. You will receive the pattern on the day of the class, no need to purchase separately. You may sign up for one or both projects.

The first is a beginner project, Ladder Links (offered in white pearls and clear crystal bicones), this can be done with silver or gold beads. 

The second is an advanced project, Winter Birds Votive Cup and Tube Ornaments. (wire form and battery tea light also included in this kit).

Ladder Links Bracelet

Winter Birds Votive Cup

Winter Birds Tube Ornaments

The Lehigh Valley Chapter is paying the Teacher’s Fee and expenses from the Robin Hubert Memorial Fund.  Registration for all will close on March 31, 2025.

All kit fees must be paid in advance to hold your place in the class. Click on the button below for the registration form.

Questions? Email Sharon Boehme at